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“九章讲坛”第629讲 – 张宇飞 博士


应best365在线官网登录入口邀请,美国加州大学Santa Cruz分校张宇飞将于2022年12月17日(星期六)进行线上学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加。

报告题目:Tensor Triangular Geometry with Application on the Category of Pseudo-coherent Complexes


时 间: 2022年12月17日(星期六)10:30 – 11:30

腾讯会议 ID: 617-581-938 (密码:202212)

报告摘要:Tensor-triangulated categories appear across the board of pure mathematics, such as stable homotopy theory, algebraic geometry, modular representations, and motivic theory. We will take a tour of tensor-triangulated categories and tensor triangular geometry. We will start with two examples from stable homotopy theory and algebraic geometry to appreciate the triangular and symmetric monoidal(tensor) structures, respectively. For specific tensor-triangulated categories, by associating each of them with a spectral space(the Balmer spectrum), the so-called tt-classification and, further, tt-geometry will be introduced. To be more specific, there will be a classification theorem that establishes a one-one correspondence between a class of subcategories of the tensor-triangulated category and a class of subsets of its Balmer spectrum. Finally, we will discuss its application to the derived category of pseudo-coherent complexes over a commutative noetherian ring. We may also mention a more "visible" example from quiver representation theory.



张宇飞,自2018年8月起至今在美国加州大学Santa Cruz 分校数学系读博士学位,研究方向为代数拓扑与代数几何。




